arranged to meet the seafoodies to celebrate fishy's birthday at Wild Honey.
squiddy made reservations for the one at scotts square...
i was slightly late so they had already started eating.
i had a vegeapple juice...
and i shared a European with crabby. its eggs benedict with parma ham rolled around the poached egg and hollandise sauce...
the egg was pretty good. i didn't really eat the bread coz im not a bread person. overall its nice but not worth the $22.
but one thing is for sure, im not coming back here again if i can help it.
As you may already know, good food aside, im also all about service. I mean, we don't pay service charge for nothing. Also, i believe a big part of F&B is also about the service. People want to enjoy their meals. As Wild Honey would put it - No Place Like Home. You do want people to feel comfortable and enjoy their meal right? that's why you are charging a premium for your eggs and ham right? and thats why we suckers pay for it right? Den jolly well offer some good service.
fishy asked the person for a bowl to feed lil nano. The server told her they don't have bowls. fishy asked them "
then how do you serve your soup? " when they finally relented and gave her a bowl. I mean SERIOUSLY, borrow a bowl is so hard on you??
you would make nano pissed off too!
and crabby actually bought cakes for me from a confectionary near her place....
its supposed to have pretty good cakes in baileys, martini flavours etc. So she said it taste better when its chilled so we requested for the server to help us fridge it. We did not even request to eat it here. We understand the no outside food allowed policy.
But, they told us no.
its just borrowing a little space of your big fridge for AWHILE while we complete our meal. i don't get it. which restaurant these days rejects such requests?
Got. Wild Honey
I asked the person for the reason for such policy, he just said "
our chef don't allow ". Fine. I'm sure Wild Honey will remain popular for quite awhile but i for one will not want to come back and pay for overpriced breakfast tagged with bad service. Taste is decent, decor is great but doesnt make up for the stuck up service in my view.