We got there very early - 6.15 pm. In fact, we were probably the very first to get into the restaurant. Sonia and i got there first.
This is how empty the whole restaurant was.
We were first served the cheese bread....
while waiting for Rachel we got bored... so we took these pics...
but Rachel was still not here yet so we kinda started before she arrived. Oh.. in case u din notice, Sonia and myself were wearing very similar style tops today! U'll see more pics later....
We helped ourselves to the salad bar.
this is my first helping from the salad bar and just like the previous time, it was also my only helping on the salad bar simply because the servers just keep coming over to serve us the meat!
Rachel arrived shortly after we started.
So its the 3 ladies tonight.
Like i mentioned earlier, the servers kept coming around with the meat...
we even managed to take pics with them. Probably coz there wasnt many guests tonight being a monday night, the servers were extra entertaining and attentive towards us. See how we posed with them... lol..
we eat had different favourites (i mean the meat, not the servers)...
Sonia's favourite is without a doubt the topslice beef. Rachel loved the lemon-ly soft snowfish (gotta admit the fish this time is much much much better den my previous visit) and im still rooting for the cock-a-doo-da-doo chicken!
Upon my highly recommendation on the pineapple, they tried the pineapple and had to gave their thumbs up! its indeed very very sweet and tasty. They baked the pineapple till its warm and roasted. Very nice!
We were soon very full... but none of us were ready to leave. (we're paying $37+++ leh.. must eat our worth!) lol.. so we tried to sit longer to chat and hoping we'd get hungry again later.... while we were sitting around, we started to do what we always do....... take pictures!!!
I really love this whole batch of pics!
haha...n yes.. we did this inside a highhhhhhhh class restaurant like Brazil Churrascaria! haha...
there's more....
n sonia and i are very identically dressed right?
These 2 pics make us look like we're sharing a top. Siamese twins? lol...
n of coz, not forgetting sonia's signature pose...
We chatted till around 9.30 pm before we finally decided to surrender and go.