I met up wif Sorina at Suntec for my cheese fondue (sorry Erica... but we can .. in fact we MUST go back to swiss culture again)
This is where we had the cheese fondue... they offer Cheese Fondue, Beef Fondue, Chicken Fondue, Seafood Fondue and Chocolate Fondue.. I've tried Chocolate Fondue at Max Brenners at Esplande and a few other places before, din really find it very interesting or nice... oh.. speaking of which, i found this at The Cocoa Tree at Paragon today....
So interesting right? Its a mini fondue dat u can buy home... Its Fondue for Two... its got the mini pot wif chocolates inside and mini skewers! So cute!
The food at Swiss Culture isnt exactly very pricy.. maybe only their Fondues... but other den dat.. the rest are ok...
And of coz, MY FONDUE!!!!
The beef cubes and pork sausages were side orders to dip into the cheese fondue. The bread came together with it... in fact, the bread was free flow.. Wana know how it tasted? It was simply GREAT. i dun regret looking forward to it for my whole lifetime.. erm.. oki.. maybe i exaggerated abit there.. But it was really quite yummy.. Sorina did help me with the food or i would never be able to finish eating it on my own... Sorina especially liked the pork sausages...
When u place the food into ur mouth, the cheese surrounding it would feel cheesy and powdery... as if its melting in ur mouth... ahhhhHHHHHH..... Cheese lovers, MUST TRY!!! the texture is simply great and its so fun to eat! hee hee...
the server was very nice, clearly explaining how to eat and the different fondues to us.. i tink he could sense my ethusiasm as well.. haha
It was a very full but very satisfying dinner!! Like a long desire finally coming true!!! After dinner i was so so full...