We went into Pariss at 8.30 pm. While at the entrance, the server was telling us, their last order ie. the last time we can get any more food is 9.30 pm and they close at 10 pm. Truth be told, its advisable to go over at an earlier time if u really wana enjoy the buffet coz we were kinda rushing through our dinner....
There was supposedly more than 200 items leh!!! How to finish in one hour???
When we were first brought to our table, the server informed us that this fish clip on the table...
.. is an indicator that we should bring along to pass to the chefs for dishes that requires to be cooked so that the dishes will be served to us.
As there are ALOT of food, i'll just try~~ to group them together...
Cold scallops, crayfish, lobsters, spanner crabs, fresh oysters!
The cold scallops was nice in my view... didn't try the crayfish... spanner crab looked special (coz never tried before) but taste was not very nice, very little crab meat... but the oysters were HUGE!!!
Using my finger to give u a gauge of how HUGE it is!
There's also the sashimi...
In the first pic there's salmon, tuna, sword fish, bamboo fish and in the second pic is the squid (my fav.. though not a common liking) and shark.
Dar and Deanie didn't dare to try the shark. Loh gong zai tried and said it tasted like chicken. I duno how to explain the taste. haha!
Then theres the terriyaki...
You can choose ur own and get the chefs to cook it for u. The fish was the nicest, second was probably the chicken. The beef was very hard, not very nice.
Something special was the crocodile soup!
The crocodile meat was very hard! Not very nice. The soup was normal herbal soup.
They also have the cream of corn soup with pastry on top.
The corn soup was just normal corn soup loh~~ But the pastry was VERY NICE!!!
Then these are some of the other dishes which im too lazy to group....
Then for desserts!
There's fruits, some cutey Jappy jelly and ice cream!!
But aside from fruits, i was probably the only one who really had the Jappy jelly, yam pudding and ice cream! haha.. coz i was worried i might get too full for desserts, my first helping was the desserts before any other solid food. haha... The rest of them were too stuffed after the meal for any dessert!
and while having the ice cream, i realised the plate of wasabi sitting beside looked very similar to it...
So we were joking about scooping the wasabi up into some round balls and pass it off as green tea ice cream! confirm lau bak sai ah!! hahaha...
Oh.. i forgot to add that every guests will be given a voucher to redeem a glass of red wine each.
n finally when we were all stuffed, these were the remains on our table...
we were all so stuffed we couldnt walk or stand straight!
How was the food? Honestly, our views were they had lotsa variety, some special stuff but they made the taste very normal. nothing really yummy or so.. but they don't taste bad la...