after sch i met up with Steve. He agreed to go Shashlik with me! Its a very old Russian restaurant.

I told him all about the wonderful recommendations of the steak over there. He was just as excited.. hehe.. I got all the recommendations from a forum and knowing dat Steve can be pretty particular about service, i fore-warned him that the people have said dat the service will be lousy.
Shashlik is located at Far East Shopping Centre, level 6. When we got there, we were so disappointed........ we saw....

huh? Closed? HOW CAN????? *disappointed*
Just when we were moving closer to check it out, we saw the light for RESTAURANT light up and den the light for SHASHLIK lighted up.. *theres still hope*...
we went closer to the door and saw alot of ah pek servers inside and the sign on the door read..

Ooo... it was only 6.20 pm.. *phew*... By 6.30 pm, we were the first customers to enter. But we were not the only ones.. there was another group dat was previously waiting outside the door with us and another group came shortly after.
On the wall, we saw lotsa frames of awards...

dat got our expectations higher!
On one side of the restaurant, theres this balcony like area with plants all over. Like a little garden.

The restaurant's interior looked old with dimly lit candles and antique lightnings (wow.. romantic!).
n heres the menu...

eh.. i koe kinda small to read... u want the big picture, ask me for it. hee..
and like the forum people said, most of the servers were rather elderly...

n indeed... service isnt wonderful but its not lousy la..
after our orders, one of the uncles came around with his basket of buns and gave us a bun each. I dun really like buns so after Steve had his bun and he said it was nice, i gave him mine.

(actually i tink the bun is very normal only =x)
den our soup arrived. Almost everytime they serve a dish, they'll be pushing this trolley to either seperate the soup or.. remove skewers etc...

This is the server pouring the soup into seperate bowls from the small pot.
I had Borshch whilst Steve had Fresh Oyster soup (oooo.. horny horny eh? LOL)

My Borshch came with a little sour cream by the side. Its the clear soup type with cabbages and a slice of beef. The soup was ok, not bad but the beef was GOOD! The fresh oyster soup was.. hmm.. very oyster-ish loh. haha.... but special coz we've never tried anything like it before.
den came our long awaited steak!!

When the steak just came, we were all eager to try..

when i asked Steve "
What do you think? " His reply was "
i only know i wana quickly put it inside my mouth " hahahhaha
Eh.. the russian salad is abit crap in my view.. its just normal salad .. tastes just ok. The Sirloin Steak serving was big and done according to request. You know how exasperating it is when you order a medium steak only to get a overdone and tough one... or when u order a medium rare one just in case it gets too cooked and they give u a super bloody one. This one was nicely done. It was w/o any sauce. After trying the sirloin, honestly i wasnt super impressed. I mean of coz it doesnt taste lousy but its not heavenly. Probably above average? and Steve had to add chilli sauce .. haha. But my Beef Shashlik was much much much nicer!! hahaha... Likewise it was sauceless but the seasoning they used was stronger den the sirloin steak. Thumbsup!
We tried very hard to take pics of us with the food but it wasnt successful..

haha.. still only our face.. nvm..
After the steak we were actually pretty full but i wasnt willing to just go.. hee.. forum also recommended the desserts! The baked Alaska was said to be very nice also but it wasnt available so under the uncle's recommendation, we went for Bliny with Brandy Butter Sauce.
n to our amazement, uncle came with his trolley again... this time with a frying pan!

Yes yes.. uncle cooked the thing right infront of us... wow...

the finished product... if u ask me if its nice.... erm... it has a strong alcoholic taste.. hmm.. it doesnt taste spectacular to me.. it was alright. but den the cooking was spectacular. So haha... it made us feel dat its special.
After the uncle was done with the Bliny, he asked us if we wanted coffee or tea... Steve asked for coffee.. and while we were having our dessert before his coffee came, we jokingly wondered if the uncle would come again with the trolley again and
tarik the coffee! hhahahhahaha...
when the uncle did come again with the coffee on the trolley, we cracked into laughter... firstly was coz of the tarik joke and secondly was cos initially the uncle poured the coffee into the cup which was a very small cup...

can u see how small the cup is? we though that it was just such a small cup of coffee... hahahahhaa... its actually a whole pot.. see the silver pot beside the coffee? lol
By the time we kinda finished dinner it was around 7.30 pm but the restaurant is actually around 90% full already.

Wow.. i mean, its Far East Shopping Centre we're talking about here, not Far East Plaza. And its at level 6. So ulu right? But its actually pretty crowded and today is wednesday. But the crowd is observed to be pretty old.
The overall dinner cost about $90 odd.