but... hur hur hur hur....
YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM! I think i've been to Ikea so many times (and probably so have u) that these meatballs don't need reviews. Everyone who've tried it, knows.. its YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM! haha
Ooi had the salmon.....
the salmon is probably the only dish at ikea i dun particularly go for. Its just .. i personally don't find it very good... though not lousy.
ah yee and uncle sq had some grilled chicken and fried rice thingy.. was a daily special...
A closer view of the chicken.....
the fried rice is buttered rice.. quite nice in my view.
and chicken wings!
ikea's chicken wings are also yummy! But today's didnt taste as good. Not sure if its coz it was not hot.
hi there, is there really another Brazil Churrascaria at UE Square? or is it just another kind which has the same concept as Brazil Churrascaria? i saw in ur Brazil Churrascaria posts, someone said there is another outlet at UE Square, Robertson Quay.
hi, its another brazil churrascaria concept place. Its called mama lucia. But i've never tried it myself. =)
oh ok! thanks a lot.. great food blog you have
u're welcome! and thanks again!
I've tried Mama Lucia and Carnivore (CHIJMES) but still feel that the one along 6th Ave is the best overall. But be warned, the service there is/can be preferential. In fact a few years ago there was a complaint in the Straits Times Forum in regards to their preferential treatment towards Caucasians. There's another one in the East called Samba but I've not tried it.
I've tried Mama Lucia and Carnivore (CHIJMES) but still feel that the one along 6th Ave is the best overall. But be warned, the service there is/can be preferential. In fact a few years ago there was a complaint in the Straits Times Forum in regards to their preferential treatment towards Caucasians. There's another one in the East called Samba but I've not tried it.
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