Wednesday, January 04, 2012


met up with lydia with manna (a korean restaurant) in mind. i cant get my mind off the frankfurt arirang's potato side dish and the pork ribs soup!

funny thing is, lydia was telling me she just HAD manna for lunch!! but i still forced her to go with me coz i have major cravings for the potato.

sadly, Manna today didnt have the greasy chilled potato thingy so we walked around. actually, tanjong pagar area seems to have loads of korean restaurants. we somehow walked along amoy street and saw ....

i was quite excited! another Arirang! Although this is apparently a very common name for korean restaurants and upon checking, they have the potato thingy that i've been craving for.

korean tea...

side dishes offered....

the side dishes were ok. the potato was not as i kind of expected. i think manna's one is better and of coz the frankfurt arirang's one is the best!

for my soup wise, i ordered a beef slice soup (not on the menu) because i wanted a non spicy one...

not very good in my view.

lydia's tofu kimchi soup...

ate it.

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